Thursday, August 13, 2015

Introducing....Our Route Team Leader

Hello to all that are reading this blog! My name is John H. Smith, born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. I am a proud father of 3 kids: 2 boys and 1 girl. They are one of the reasons that I continue to move forward in life. Growing up, I was raised by a loving but stern grandmother and she taught me how to be caring, firm, loving and treat others with respect. She didn’t allow me to become a product of my environment and/or my surroundings by instilling the foundation of faith and God in me. Besides enjoying my children and family and all that they have going on, I do have interest/ hobbies that I love doing or watching such as basketball, mixed martial arts, cleaning, and just good ole quiet time. Two of my major interests are anime/comics and Asian weapons and art. I guess from all of those late night martial art TV shows and Bruce Lee of course. I adapted one of his motto to my life:

“Don’t pray for an easy life, but pray for the strength to endure it” …..Bruce Lee

My other motto is:
“You may not always choose the right path and it may be rough, but keep pushing forward and it will eventually open up and show you a beautiful valley”……John Smith

I use both of these mottos even in the workplace today. “Wait!!!!  What workplace?” You ask. Well Dallas Life Support Systems where I have been technically for 2 years now. I originally started with Dallas Life Support  on November 8th 2010. Since I’ve been back I have grown more within the company. I was promoted last year to Route Team Leader and that is my current role today.  I enjoy what I do plus I work with a bunch of wonderful team members and along side the great leaders of the company. In my department (Operations/Routing) I have a group of guys that rock, are stellar, fantastic and hard working that I have the pleasure to lead every single day, the Patient Service Technicians (PSTs).
It’s funny because I never knew what it meant to be an actual leader until I started taking Entreleadership training provided by the company and instructed by LaDusta Robinette. The information and insight that it gives allows me to focus what I need to do as a leader and within my department as a whole. From the Leadership Training I have learned to be open with people, so they can be open with me and about being intentional and direct when speaking with someone. It drew out qualities that I thought I had lost, but awaken qualities that I didn’t know I possessed.  This training has awakened Dallas Life Support because you can feel a sense of new life being breathed into the company. With that new life it has boosted morale, opened up communications that were once lost and an understanding of what the goals are for the company.

Thank you for taking time out to read this blog…..I will now return you to your scheduled broadcast show!!!!


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