Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Becoming King of your Stress Mountain

Stress has become a common word in every leader's vocabulary. As a culture, America seems to thrive on the adrenaline of riding Stress Mountain like a theme park roller coaster. Just like a roller coaster, riding Stress Mountain too long can cause you to get sick and have serious side effects. As a leader and a healthy human being you need to find a way to become king of your stress mountain.
Stress can be overwhelming physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It is important for you and your team that you learn to manage your stress in a healthy positive way.
Stress Defined
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

Where does it come from?
Stress can come in so many shapes and sizes. It can be as little as a slightly faster turn on the lazy river or as big as the Texas Giant. People, work, home, physical illness or injury, mental fatigue, poor communication...the list is as endless as the lines at the local theme part.
The truth is the majority of the time our stress is created by our reaction to the circumstances, not the circumstances themselves.
 As much as we try to pretend it is out of our control, we decide how we react. You can take ownership and control of your reactions! When you step back from a situation and view it like a spectator mentally, it is much easier to remove emotion, not be reactive, and keep the situation down to size. It can keep you from stepping on to the Stress Mountain heart stopping roller coaster you may be used to and put you on a easy kiddy swing ride.
Expectations are the root of all disappointment. Ask yourself if your expectations of a situation are realistic. Are you giving others the same understanding and consideration you would want from them?

How do we take control?
*You need to know what triggers stress for you and start creating solutions to minimize the opportunity for that stress.
*Know your limits and communicate those limits to your team.
*Ask for resources that can help reduce work stress. Do not assume the answer is no.
*Budge your time and be intentional with it.
*When facing stress: Define the issue, make a plan, and follow the plan to resolution. This keeps the issue from getting bigger than you and takes back your control of the issue.
*Do not let broken processes cause stress by ignoring them. Speak up and take time to resolve them with your team.
*Only carry what you must. Give the load to the real owner. That can mean delegating to a team member or communicating to a manager when you have taken on more than you can effectively work through.It can also mean being true to your faith and giving your worries to God.
*Beware the little complainer! When your inner dialogue goes off and starts telling you how hard it is, how bad it is, and how you just can't even, stop it. Catch yourself and shut the little complainer down.
                Ask yourself if your complaints are valid, are they resolvable, and who can help resolve the issue?                 Then take the issue to that person or start creating your plan and resolution.
                Also ask yourself if you are letting something minor become a major stress?

What does Stress Mountain do to you?
*Long-term stress lowers your IQ!
*Chronic Stress has similar side effects to what you find on a medication label:
         -Headaches            -Diarrhea         -Anxiety       -Constipation         -Depression       -Body aches
         -High blood pressure                     -Infertility       -Heart Disease      -Reduced Immunity
         -Diabetes                -Ulcers           -Heartburn     -Nausea                -Reflux              -Vomiting

Stress management basics
Be intentional about:
*Getting sleep                        *Exercising
*Eating well                            *Drinking water
*Researching stress management tips
*Being in the moment: Leave yesterday in the past. Plan for tomorrow but do not let tomorrow steal today.
*Ask yourself "What in this moment is a problem?"



Luke 21:34                     Philippians 4:6

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